In 5 1/2 years I have never received an email from my son Johnny who is a member of "Comunita Cenacolo." Computers and emails are just not part of community life.

So you can imagine my surprise when I opened my email today and found a letter from Johnny-from Liberia no less! Johnny lives in a remote section of the country that is without this email transmission is really amazing!

I am gratefully sharing his thoughts with each and every one of you in thanksgiving for your love and prayers!

"I want to express my gratitude to all who have interested themselves in my own safety and well being here in Liberia. Thank you for your concern. I think it’s only right to respond in some capacity and inform you of my current situation. I’ve been in Liberia as a Catholic missionary for over eight months. Here at our mission we have twenty children, some of whom are orphans and some of whom come from very difficult situations that have caused the parents to ask us for help in taking care of their children.

So when the Ebola situation became very serious, we were asked if we wanted to leave by our superiors. As of right now, all fourteen of us have elected to stay. I myself have not yet felt personally endangered. That is not to say that Ebola isn’t a serious issue, but we are taking no risks here at our community. We are taking all the precautions necessary to protect the children and ourselves.

I also had to weigh the presence of the children in my decision. I made a choice to come and serve the Liberian people, and I can’t in good conscience leave for my own safety. Without trying to sound fanatical, I’m just trying to put my faith in God right now; and I feel at peace. We are, however, also exploring every possibility for each possible scenario that may eventually present itself. For example, we are exploring the possibilities of acquiring passports for all the children in the event that we might have to flee the country. All I can say about this process is that it is very, very difficult.

Hopefully the whole Ebola situation will be under control soon. I’ve come to understand that the involvement of the international community in battling this problem is key, and I’m very proud of America and its response to this global emergency. Once again, thank you all. God bless New Orleans!"
-John F. Young III


Anonymous said…
Thank you for doing God's work and having such courage to do so.

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