I woke up this week at 3:30a.m. and as I laid their thinking and praying...the thought suddenly occurred to me, "What was I thinking. What would possess me to agree to share the insanity of my sinfulness so openly in a public setting." Of course I wasn't thinking-about me. I was thinking about how I could respond to the call that God had put on my heart to help others who might be in as much pain as I had been in.

Tomorrow, Friday December 10Th, I'll be telling the faithful about my fall into the darkness of addiction and explaining how God has redeemed me through the power of his unconditional Love. My testimony is part of an Advent Day of Renewal at St. Francis Xavier Church in Metairie La. It's a day of praise and worship, hope and renewal...A time to remember that the reason for the season is the birth of Jesus Christ who came to this earth to liberate us from the pervasive power of evil that is clearly keeping so many humans in bondage to sin.

It's been my experience that every time I begin working on behalf of heaven, hell is just one step away-trying to trip me up. And believe me-I have been tripped plenty of times and fallen face first onto the hard cement. It's never been a pretty sight, however through a great deal of stamina and old fashioned prayer, my wrongs have been righted, the scars have been healed and my heart is now filled with joyful, unending hope.

I'm hoping to pass on that message tomorrow to anyone who will listen...and perhaps just one soul will see through my experience how to steer clear of the pitfalls that place us in the most precarious situations.

God is truly amazing and he has gifted me with so many blessings. It is an honor to be able to share on his behalf how someone so broken could be put back together so miraculously...Because let's face it...It's all about God-and when we simply turn our wills and our lives over to his heavenly power, miracles do happen!


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