My beautiful child Zachary turns 12 today!
He's the caboose, yet the driving force that keeps this house hopping!
I marvel at this child. My surprise gift from God, just five months after I gave birth to my fourth son. I should have known there would never be a dull moment with him...Like the angel Gabriel who announced Christ's coming, Zachary proclaimed his presence in the same week that I buried my dad. As I bid farewell to one life, I welcomed the next. Both scenarios caught me off guard, surprised the heck out of me...and sent me to my knees in deep, reflective prayer.
As my pregnancy progressed the doctor worried that Zack might have developmental issues...Heart or lung defects or maybe Downe Syndrome. So we prayed for health and wisdom, strength and acceptance. And when he came screaming into the world, there was no doubt that this awesome bundle of joy had fooled everyone.
Zack is all boy-a football running back, with finely chiseled features and a heart of gold. He's deeply sensitive with lots of hugs and I Love you's. (Don't tell him I said so) And when I need strong helping hands...He's right there with me...Mowing the lawn, straightening the garage...and cleaning the toilets-yes the toilets...Sometimes for money, sometimes just for mom.
In the evenings Zack lugs his backpack filled with school books to the adoration chapel around the corner from our home...He studies, I pray...And somehow we both know that something pretty special is taking place.
My prayer today is in thanksgiving for the gift of Zack's life...And for the amazing trust that God had in sending me a fifth bundle of joy...My surprise blessing of Love-anointed from above by a power that truly knew this family would not have been complete-without him!
He's the caboose, yet the driving force that keeps this house hopping!
I marvel at this child. My surprise gift from God, just five months after I gave birth to my fourth son. I should have known there would never be a dull moment with him...Like the angel Gabriel who announced Christ's coming, Zachary proclaimed his presence in the same week that I buried my dad. As I bid farewell to one life, I welcomed the next. Both scenarios caught me off guard, surprised the heck out of me...and sent me to my knees in deep, reflective prayer.
As my pregnancy progressed the doctor worried that Zack might have developmental issues...Heart or lung defects or maybe Downe Syndrome. So we prayed for health and wisdom, strength and acceptance. And when he came screaming into the world, there was no doubt that this awesome bundle of joy had fooled everyone.
Zack is all boy-a football running back, with finely chiseled features and a heart of gold. He's deeply sensitive with lots of hugs and I Love you's. (Don't tell him I said so) And when I need strong helping hands...He's right there with me...Mowing the lawn, straightening the garage...and cleaning the toilets-yes the toilets...Sometimes for money, sometimes just for mom.
In the evenings Zack lugs his backpack filled with school books to the adoration chapel around the corner from our home...He studies, I pray...And somehow we both know that something pretty special is taking place.
My prayer today is in thanksgiving for the gift of Zack's life...And for the amazing trust that God had in sending me a fifth bundle of joy...My surprise blessing of Love-anointed from above by a power that truly knew this family would not have been complete-without him!