I had to laugh. The kids and I were waiting on Pete, the air conditioning man, and so we decided to exit the hot house in exchange for some spiritual the Blessed Sacrament chapel.

As I waited on them in the car, here comes Jacob, in his multi colored Nike tennis shoes, with one sock pulled half way up his leg and on the other foot a barely visible ankle sock. "I was in a rush," he said as he pushed the long sock down to try and match his other sock. It didn't quite work.

Kids are so funny, and so unaffected. Even by the heat. They've been real troopers, opening the windows and doors to let the cooler air in. Thank God Uncle Robert sent Ben a fancy outdoor grill this week....which has kept the cooking heat right where it belongs-outside.

I Love Mr. Pete. He's an old fashioned fixer upper who is as honest as he is talented. With a few twists of the wires, a cool breeze blew through our home cooling off all our moods.

Yesterday was fix it day. I also had to fix two broken fillings in my not so pearly whites. Maintenance. Can't avoid it...So I don't sweat the small stuff. Things like broken air conditioners, cracked fillings or those inevitable signs of aging.

Zachary is consumed by the TV ads declaring permanent youth for anyone who buys the cream du jour. I like to tell him that wrinkles signal the slow, shedding of our physical bodies and the illumination of our internal souls which will hopefully be evolving for eternity. I'm not sure if he buys it, but-I like the way it sounds.

In fact, every day I try to give them something spiritual to think about. Just ask Mackie, who takes a deep breath every time I give him unsolicited spiritual advice.

That's the one thing you can't feed the kids enough of ....The knowledge of God. Faith is a gift, but the knowledge of our faith has to be studied and learned in order for it to grow and spread and sink in deep...Deep enough to give us the life transforming conversions that will take us into eternity.

The more we know, the more equipped we'll be to make healthier choices and the less we'll have to fix-later on!


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