"Simplify, simplify."
Henry David Thoreau

What does that really mean? I think it begins with the mind. My mind can be a convoluted terrain if I allow it. Too much thinking, lots of fleeting thoughts, future fantasies...all the stuff that we let loose in our consciousness leads to brain overload. Combine that with all the junk, and I mean junk, that we load into our surroundings...Collectibles, cars, clothes and the building blocks that we think defines our success and we set ourselves up for complicated confusion.

To simplify one's life begins with a peaceful mindset. Simple serenity inspired in the silence of soulful surrender. Taking the time to allow the spirit of God to connect with our spirit...Allowing inspiration to replace aspiration...Letting God give us the supernatural gifts that will fill our lives with every thing we really need...So that we can let go of the things we don't need.

The brightest modern day example, is the Austrian millionaire who is getting rid of everything he owns to set up orphanges in South America. "My idea is to have nothing left. Absolutely nothing...Money prevents happiness to come-it is counterproductive." according to 47 year old Karl Rabeder. Rabeder is reportedly selling his business, luxury homes, cars and other property and moving into a 2 bedroom apartment where he and his wife will live on just over $1,700 a month. "More and more I heard the words-'Stop what you are doing now-all this luxury and consumerism and start your real life.' I had the feeling I was working as a slave for things that I did not wish for or need." For a long time, Rabeder said he wasn't brave enough to give up anything. "It was the biggest shock in my life when I realized how horrible, soulless and without feeling the five star lifestyle is." He says his decision has made him feel free, the opposite of heavy.
"I was just listening to the voice of my heart and soul."

Now that's simplifying...and simply powerful! Can you hear the voice in your heart and soul?


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