"Divine Mind, and its wonder working, is beyond your finite mind to understand."
God Calling

In the restful embrace of the spirit, the evolution of our souls is made perfect. Never healing faster than will benefit your soul...always at the perfect pace from the author of perfection.

There is so much we do not fully comprehend about our lives...So much we simply cannot see clearly because of the fog of discontent and the disconnected way in which we view our lives...Nevertheless, God is working, removing the rubble around us, ransacking the wreckage of our lives, re-directing our motions, so that we might rise above our humanity.

Letting go and letting God, letting loose of the strings of power-that we pull and tug to make things happen-is our biggest obstacle and our greatest freedom. We like to believe that life is our oyster, for our personal pleasure and our personal gain. We like to believe that our lives are in our control and that our destiny is something we make happen.

However, it is important to get the first step...To know, that we are powerless, over much of what surrounds us...Powerless over others and their actions, circumstances and situations...We are powerless to change the world, until we first change ourselves.

You see the Divine Mind that I have come to Love, is only interested in one thing.
The perfectly powerful blossoming of my soul and my willingness to allow an act of God to transform this mere mortal. Ironically, therein lies my surrender in trust, to seek in prayer and to have the sense to allow God to give me everything I need-exactly when the time is right.

We are powerless over so much, but the ultimate power we hold every single second of every single day is freely given-and perfectly planned for a future that is beyond our human comprehension.

I have been concentrating on that over the last month...Letting go and letting God...Letting the spirit filter in and watching the worries filter out. It takes practice, prayer and perseverance...But it's working, in many powerful and wonderful ways!


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