It is an awe inspiring vision, to see the purification of a young man's watch the light return to his eyes and to see the shadow of despair miraculously lifted. It is an act of God and it is a tremendous gift to this grateful mom.

My oldest son Johnny is on a spiritual journey...carried by the cross through the darkness and into the light. For the past six months he has been living in Communita Cenacolo, Our Lady of Hope, in St. Augustine Florida. It is an oasis of Love, lead by the Holy Spirit, carried in the heart of Mary, straight into the arms of her son.

Johnny entered the community a couple days after his 24Th birthday and this weekend his brothers and I were allowed to visit him, for the first time since his departure. As we talked, wonderful words of wisdom flowed from his lips...letting us know that something deep within had begun changing...An evolution of the soul, a transformation of the awakening to the many wonders of the world beyond, that are pulsating right here in our midst.

Our visit filled me with a sense of peace and joy-and a deep admiration for my beautiful son who has found the courage to embrace this experience with an open mind, a willing spirit and a Loving heart. It is this anointed journey that will lead him to the fullness of truth while revealing the unique destiny that God has designed exclusively for his life.

I have always believed that many are called but few are walk this world guided by the eyes of faith, so that the blind might see. At Communita Cenacolo I clearly saw the providential hand of God, giving these young men empowering, unconditional Love-which has overpowered every personal difficulty, struggle or failure they may have faced. Their lives are divine examples of the living faith that is abundantly available to every person, sinner or saint...A childlike faith that renews, restores and re-defines the meaning of their lives.

I am so very blessed to have my son among the chosen few, who themselves have chosen, a radical-yet authentic way of life... A unique life that promises to reveal to each one of them-the mystery and the true intimacy-of divine Love.


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