
I met a young woman this week who turned tricks for money to pay for the drugs she used to numb the pain so she could sleep with men and earn the money that feeds her addiction and fuels her fantasy that Love can be bought or sold. It's a never ending circle of pain and confusion, cover up and callousness.

"Angie" is in a residential rehab for women-- trying to get clean from the crack cocaine she began using at 15. At 22 she is frail and tired and wants to quit...She needs to quit...if she ever wants to see her 3 month old baby again. Now a ward of the state, her baby has given her hope...The belief that her life is worth saving-even though the drugs tell her she's not.

"Angie" is the product of sexual and physical abuse...She is a grown woman who carries the wounded child within...into every unhealthy decision she makes. The father of her child says he Loves her and she believes she Loves him...but he hits her...and calls her ugly names-when things don't go his way.

We talked and she cried and she let down her guard just long enough to hear someone say that her life has value...that her past is over...that this day and this moment is all that matters...Her time...to let go of her pain, to forgive herself and others...and to believe deeply that she is alive because...God has willed it...and she is part of a greater plan.

"Angie" has been called...and she has been chosen...to stand out...to be an example of the healing power of divine Love...That intangible force of energy that transcends time or space...but is visualized here...in the miracle moments that make men and women extraordinary examples.

She hugged me and thanked me for listening...said she was thankful for coming to this meeting...that something had told her to be there. I smiled and thanked her...for giving me the gift of seeing the power of God at work in her life and in mine. I told her to always listen to that silent voice that nudges us into action...the one that prods us to respond...The gentle, compassionate voice of God...the one that is always guiding us...and giving us all the Love we need-unconditionally...and without all the heartache.


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