I've been given my marching orders. To be an example of divine Love in a fallen world. How great does that sound?! How on earth do I do that? Literally?

The ending of the novena I attended brought the beginning of personal responsibility. The 9 day prayer to the mom of Mary, St. Ann, paved the path to connecting the human will with the divine will. Mary the feminine face of God, gave it her all...standing firm in her faith despite the persecution, the betrayal and the rejection of the religious and the secular who crucified her son.

Imagine standing up to everyone across the board--believing in your child because you know in your soul, that he was sent by a power greater than anyone can ever imagine-to save souls. Sounds a little wacky when you think about it...but when you pray-and meditate and study Mary's life-amazing insights are revealed.

She had feelings and fears and insecurities just like the rest of us. But her rock her -revelation-required only one believe unconditionally that the power of God's Love would carry her through the storm, into the calm that always follows.

I've never felt connected to Mary, until now. How crazy does that sound, since I've traveled the world covering reported visions of the Madonna? But, something about this novena inspired real understanding and wisdom in her real life role. I can relate to her unconditional motherly Love, the pain of persecution and the lack of personal control over the actions of others.

She carried her pain and her fears in the womb of her Love...where the pulsating energy of God's life giving spirit could inspire a renewal of hope in a master plan that would benefit humankind.

She stayed the course--rooted in Love--and that's made all the difference in the world-to the world...and now to me, in a very powerful, life transforming way.

Mary was absolutely an example of divine Love in a fallen world...she was human...but she chose her divinity over her humanity. If she can do it...I'm going to give it my best shot. Pray for me please.


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