
Gift of Life

    Sometimes God gets our attention through miracles, meteor explosions, and mind blowing human beings. The latter is my friend Hedy. On this day -July 3-many moons ago, God sent her into the world to rock our reality. She single-handedly infuses God‘s presence in our lives. She never shys away from cultural expectations and judgments, which demean and even deny the one and only God of creation. Her love for Jesus and his mom Mary pours forth a resounding and anointed spirit of heavenly grace and light that transfigures each and every life that is blessed to come to know her๐ŸŒ… Praying for amazing supernatural blessings on this your day of birth๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒน 2 Corinthians 12:2

God is with us

I’m in Germany, helping my uncles …one of them had to go to the hospital because his wounds were infected…and as I returned home from the hospital -this is what I saw “in the car driving through the lush green countryside of Germany the Lord gave me a glimpse of his over arching presence in my life, the miracle of the sun I always like to call it…a solar heartbeat…….the pulsating sun with a disk that looks just like the Eucharist …tonight the colors were just beautiful. …rose and blue and then as time went by - more vibrant, royal blue, lime, green, deep rich violet it was just amazing and it was like it was following me and my second cousin Ursula. Such a beautiful anointed gift and all I could say was I love you Jesus because I knew he wanted me to know I’ve got this. I’m here, it’s OK and I have felt a tremendous peace this entire trip so thank you for all your prayers. 

Honoring Life

 I’m in Germany helping my two uncles who are 89 and 90 because they have leg wounds that have caused them a lot of issues and my second cousin is worn out so I’m here to help. I don’t know how much help I can actually give but I know I can help reduce the stress. Stress is a killer…and as I took a few moments to relax, I was looking through some of my old blogs cause I haven’t written in a very long time …I came across a comment from an old friend, Matthew, who apparently still reads my blog and I was praying that he’s happy that he’s found his purpose and the people that make him happy. I don’t know how to contact him , but I want him to know that  you can reach out and connect… Through helping the elderly who are my friends I’ve learned that life is a very short journey and connecting with those we love and giving of ourselves -breathes resurrecting life into us… through their suffering, and our yes-life begins anew๐Ÿ’


Link to  I am writing to all the precious human beings who have been ravaged by the soul binding effects of rape by memb ers of the  Catholic clergy.  My heart bleeds for you and I’m so sorry  for the systemic coverups ,  and  that you have not received more public empathy from the  Church hierarchy or the  Catholic laity.   However,  I am very grateful to all the voices that have cried out in this darkness :  my son, the press ,  and the lawyers.   I am a mom of two sons victimized by a pedophile,  as well as  a Catholic  graduate of Notre Dame Seminary  who  continues to  kneel before the Lord at daily Mass.  I want you to know that I see you, that I am here for you, and that your lives matter to me.  I want you to know that you are God’s beloved and  that  he sees clearly  the evil that has been inflicted upon you by those who  stand in persona Christi who  promised  to  protect and nourish your soul .   P lease hang on to hope  and cling to the  God of Abraham, Isaac,  and Jacob ,
  i felt the holy spirit urging me to re-post this today.... The deeper meaning speaks volumes to me... A little over a year ago I sat with a half dozen other women waiting for a mammogram. The lady next to me asked, “How long has it been since you had your last one?” Taking a deep breath I replied, “Several years.” “So, you’re that woman?” She asked in disbelief. “Yes-I am,” I answered. I didn’t even try to explain why, because in that moment, the reasons rang hollow. The next day I got a call to return for a follow up mammogram because of suspicious calcification. After the experts read that one, I got another phone call. I would have to go under the knife for a breast biopsy to see if I had cancer. At that point I was really worried. My dear mother had died of breast cancer. So I told the Lord begrudgingly, “Fine, if you want me to have cancer for the conversion of so and so and so and so, then fine…I’ll accept it.” I was convinced it was a done deal. God however, was just beginning
                                                       Dr. Benjamin

Ukraine Documentary 1990 "Prison of Nations"
