
Showing posts from June, 2024

Honoring Life

 I’m in Germany helping my two uncles who are 89 and 90 because they have leg wounds that have caused them a lot of issues and my second cousin is worn out so I’m here to help. I don’t know how much help I can actually give but I know I can help reduce the stress. Stress is a killer…and as I took a few moments to relax, I was looking through some of my old blogs cause I haven’t written in a very long time …I came across a comment from an old friend, Matthew, who apparently still reads my blog and I was praying that he’s happy that he’s found his purpose and the people that make him happy. I don’t know how to contact him , but I want him to know that  you can reach out and connect… Through helping the elderly who are my friends I’ve learned that life is a very short journey and connecting with those we love and giving of ourselves -breathes resurrecting life into us… through their suffering, and our yes-life begins anew💝