
Showing posts from October, 2010


This was a wild day with some wild surprises. The best-was the beautiful rainbow that suddenly appeared across the sky as I drove to pick up my son from football practice. This massive arc of multicolored rays-quite unexpectedly- presented itself right in front of my eyes. A majestic sign from God announcing his presence and his promise. Earlier in the day, God had revealed his covenant with me through a surprise gift of affirmation. I knew my prayers had been answered when a huge door flung wide open...A door leading to a wonderful blessing. God never ceases to amaze me. He always has a way of letting me know at exactly the right time that yes-he is still in charge of my life...and things will happen at exactly the right time. His time and not a second sooner. So never stop trusting in the power of God and in his plan to fulfill the finest details of your life. Never underestimate his perfectly timed positioning of the stars and the planets and the people who make your world go r...


There are some moments in a child's life that a mom always remembers. Defining moments that somehow illuminate the mystery of what it means to be a child of God. One of those moments happened recently. My 12 year old son Zachary received his school pin at a special morning Mass, along with all the other seventh graders from Christian Brothers School here in New Orleans. Zachary is part of a family tradition that began twelve years ago with his oldest brother Johnny, who paved the way for Mackie, who walked ahead of Ben, who passed the ball to Jacob, who exited just in time for Zachary to firm up the family legacy. For me, the pin Mass isn't just a tradition, it's a spiritual anointing. A sign that my sons belong to an extended family founded on the Catholic principles of faith in God and service to humankind. CBS is a fraternity of fellowship and fun, wisdom and understanding. The kind of school that massages the mind while inspiring the soul. For our family, it'...


"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Abraham Lincoln Power is like perfume. Elusively enjoyable, yet cunningly self absorbing. If you abuse it by wearing too much, you begin to smell-bad. Wearing it sparingly gives you a winning aura that is very attractive. There's a delicate balance between drowning in too much perfume and just enough to send the sweet smell of success. The most powerful men and women I've admired, never abused their power...Probably because they never sought it. Their belief system, their faith and the example of their lives earned them a reputation for being some of the most highly respected people in the world. The unwavering sacrifice of their lives for the benefit of others-even in the face of great adversity-lifted them to a higher level of authority. Mother Teresa, lived among the poorest of the poor, on the streets of Calcutta, ministering to the most neglected human castawa...